General Chatbot Statistics

  1. 84% of companies believe that AI chatbots will become increasingly crucial for customer communication. (Source: Dashly)
  2. Business leaders assert that chatbots contribute to a 67% surge in sales. (Source: Dashly)
  3. In a Gartner survey conducted between December 2022 and February 2023 with 497 B2B and B2C customers, it was discovered that a chatbot’s ability to advance the customer’s issue was the primary factor driving adoption, accounting for 18% of the likelihood for customers to use the chatbot again. (Source: Gartner)
  4. Resolution rates differ significantly by issue type, with only 17% of billing disputes being resolved by customers interacting with a chatbot during their journey. In contrast, rates for returns or cancellations reached as high as 58%. (Source: Gartner)
  5. Roughly 53% of survey participants identify extended response times as the most frustrating aspect of engaging with businesses. (Source: Tidio)
  6. Given the choice between a 15-minute wait for a response, 62% of consumers prefer interacting with a chatbot over a human agent. (Source: Tidio)
  7. Nearly 9 out of 10 customers engaged in at least one conversation with a chatbot in 2022. (Source: Tidio)
  8. Approximately 90% of customer inquiries are resolved within 10 messages or less. (Source: Tidio)
  9. The leading chatbot-utilizing nations include the United States, India, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Brazil. (Source: Tidio)
  10. In 2023, approximately 1.4 billion individuals were willing to engage with chatbots for communication. (Source: G2)
  11. In 2023, 58% of B2B companies incorporated chatbots into their websites, surpassing the 42% adoption rate observed in B2C organizations. (Source: G2)
  12. Europe exhibited a higher preference for chatbots compared to the US and Japan, with a 50% approval rate in France compared to approximately 32-33% in the US and Japan. (Source: G2)
  13. There has been a 92% increase in the number of websites and applications offering a chatbot experience in recent years. (Source: LocaliQ)
  14. A total of 68% of individuals find satisfaction in the prompt responses delivered by chatbots. (Source: LocaliQ)
  15. Close to 90% of individuals engaged in at least one chatbot conversation. (Source: Colorlib)
Chatbot adoption statistics by B2B vs B2C organizations represented by a donut chart.

Chatbot Market Size and Adoption Rate

  1. In 2023, the chatbot market is expected to witness an increase of more than $994 million, reflecting significant growth at an annual rate of approximately $200 million. (Source: Tidio)
  2. In 2022, businesses realized cost savings of approximately $11 billion by implementing chatbots, a notable achievement given that chatbots can reduce customer support costs by up to 30%. (Source: Tidio)
  3. The chatbot market was worth $4.6 billion in 2022 and is projected to achieve a value of $32.4 billion by 2032, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.6%. (Source: Yahoo Finance)
  4. The chatbot market is projected to reach approximately $1.25 billion in 2025, marking a substantial growth compared to its size of $190.8 million in 2016. (Source: Statista)
  5. The global chatbot market is categorized into Marketing, Human Intelligence, and Artificial Intelligence segments. Among these, Marketing is expected to hold the most substantial market share, with a projected growth rate of 23.7% by 2030. (Source: What’s the Big Data)
In 2023, the chatbot market is expected to witness an increase of more than $994 million, reflecting significant growth at an annual rate of approximately $200 million. Click to post on

Chatbot Usage and Engagement Statistics

  1. Daily interaction with digital assistants is a routine for 40% of millennials. (Source: Master of Code)
  2. Typically, users ask an average of 4 questions during a single chat session with chatbots. (Source: Master of Code)
  3. A significant 73% of consumers anticipate websites to incorporate digital assistants to facilitate convenient interactions. (Source: Master of Code)
  4. Bots play a role in 39% of all conversations between businesses and consumers. (Source: Master of Code)
  5. Response rates vary widely – with more engaging bot experiences achieving impressive 80-90% response rates, while even the less favorable ones still fall within the 35-40% range. (Source: Matthew Barby)
  6. Effective bots and engaged audiences can yield response rates as high as 90%. (Source: Colorlib)
  7. A survey of more than 5,000 consumers across six countries revealed that 38% of respondents worldwide had a positive overall perception of chatbots. (Source: Business Insider)
  8. Just 11% of the global survey respondents expressed a negative perception of chatbots, while the remaining 51% held neutral opinions. (Source: Business Insider)
  9. France displayed the highest level of receptivity, with 50% of respondents having a positive view of chatbots. On the other hand, respondents from the United States and Japan exhibited the lowest receptivity, with only 32% and 33%, respectively, viewing chatbots positively. (Source: Business Insider)
  10. Despite the youngest consumer segment valuing the convenience of AI-powered instant messaging, just 44% of Gen Z respondents think that chatbots will render traditional customer support call centers obsolete. (Source: Tidio)
  11. Approximately 20% of Gen Z shoppers opt to initiate their customer service interactions with chatbots rather than engaging with human agents. This stands in stark contrast to only 4% of boomers, highlighting a substantial disparity. (Source: Tidio)
  12. Roughly 69% of consumers opt for conversational marketing chatbots because of the quick and efficient way they can initiate contact with a company. (Source: Aspiration Marketing)
  13. If a company provides support through live chat, 52% of consumers are more inclined to make repeat purchases. (Source: Aspiration Marketing)
  14. The primary utilization of chatbots was for customer support, with 67% of those surveyed having used a chatbot for customer support in the previous year. (Source: Business Insider)
  15. Presently, AI chatbots are employed by 23% of customer service companies. (Source: Blogging Wizard)
  16. The typical chatbot conversation comprises approximately 5.7 messages. (Source: Embryo)
  17. A total of 24% of companies observed an improvement in their customer support evaluation scores. (Source: Spring Apps)
Chatbot receptivity by country statistics represented by a row chart.

eCommerce Chatbot Statistics

  1. AI chatbots can cut the SDR workload in half by addressing client FAQs. (Source: Dashly)
  2. Utilizing chatbot quizzes for lead qualification yields 20% superior results compared to static forms. (Source: Dashly)
  3. The primary applications for digital assistants are in sales (41%) and client services (37%), with marketing (17%) being the third most prevalent use case. (Source: Master of Code)
  4. Currently, 80% of retail and eCommerce businesses are either utilizing AI bots or have plans to implement them soon. (Source: Master of Code)
  5. eCommerce enterprises that employ chatbots for business communication achieve an average open rate of 85% and a click-through rate (CTR) of 40%. (Source: Master of Code)
  6. B2B service networks engage with chatbots 58% of the time, while 42% of their consumer networking involves interactions with chatbots. (Source: Service Bell)
  7. Numerous companies, approximately 39% of them, implement chatbots to establish a more user-friendly environment on their websites. (Source: Service Bell)
  8. A notable 33% of consumers rate their live chat experience as “very effective” in resolving their issues. (Source: LocaliQ)
  9. In specific industries, chatbot conversion rates can soar as high as 70% for businesses. (Source: LocaliQ)
  10. Chatbots segment traffic and employ targeted ads, contributing to 77% of a company’s return on investment (ROI). (Source: Spring Apps)
  11. Chatbots lead to around 28% of website visitors converting into leads. (Source: Spring Apps)

Chatbots in Social Media 

  1. Just on Facebook Messenger, there are more than 300,000 operational chatbots. (Source: Blogging Wizard)
  2. A significant 74% of young individuals indicate that their perception of a brand becomes more positive when the business responds to their inquiries on social media. (Source: Embryo)
  3. 53% of individuals opt to patronize businesses they can engage with through messaging. (Source: Botsurfer)
  4. A majority of 56% of people prefer sending a message over calling the customer care line. (Source: Botsurfer)
  5. Monthly, a staggering two billion messages are exchanged between businesses and individuals. (Source: Botsurfer)

Chatbots in Human Resources

  1. Job-related websites experience a 95% increase in leads when they engage with jobseekers through chatbots. (Source: Tidio
  2. For numerous HR departments, bots contribute to the liberation of over 12,000 work hours per year. (Source: Tidio
  3. By the year 2023, HR chatbots are expected to handle up to 75% of global HR queries. (Source: Tidio
  4. A total of 13% of HR teams have already incorporated chatbots, virtual assistants, or machine learning apps into their processes. (Source: Master of Code)
  5. A significant 62% of HR professionals lean towards the use of cognitive tools, such as chatbots, to assist with their HR requirements. (Source: Master of Code)

Chatbots in Healthcare

  1. The healthcare chatbots market is projected to achieve a value of $543 million by the year 2026. (Source: Tidio)
  2. Approximately 52% of patients in the United States access their health data using healthcare chatbots. (Source: Tidio)
  3. On a global scale, healthcare chatbots contribute to saving up to $3.6 billion. (Source: Tidio)
  4. The healthcare chatbots market is anticipated to expand from $0.24 billion in 2023 to $0.99 billion by 2032, demonstrating a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.5% throughout the forecast period spanning from 2023 to 2032. (Source: Market Research Future)

Chatbots in Finance

  1. The BFSI (banking, financial services, and insurance) chatbot market is projected to reach approximately $7 billion by the year 2030. (Source: Tidio)
  2. Utilizing financial services chatbots can lead to time savings of approximately 4 minutes per inquiry for customers, contributing directly to enhanced customer satisfaction. (Source: Tidio)
  3. A notable 43% of banking customers favor resolving issues through chatbots. (Source: Tidio)
  4. In the realm of AI, chatbots accounted for 90% of the automation utilized by banks and online banking services in 2022. (Source: Service Bell)
  5. Roughly 37% of the U.S. population is believed to have engaged with a bank’s chatbot in 2022, and this number is expected to increase in the future. (Source: Consumer Finance)

Chatbot Forecasts and Predictions

  1. A recent estimate suggests that the global conversational AI market reached nearly $5 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow to $14 billion by 2025, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22%. (Source: AI Multiple)
  2. The chatbot industry is anticipated to expand from $4.92 billion in 2022 to $24.64 billion by 2030, demonstrating a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.91% throughout the forecast period (2022-2030). (Source: Market Research Future)
  3. According to Gartner, “Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to become a common customer experience investment in the coming years.” 47% of organizations will utilize chatbots for customer care, while 40% will implement virtual assistants. (Source: Reve Chat)

Frequently Asked Questions

DataHorizzon Research reports that the chatbot market was valued at USD 4.6 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to reach USD 32.4 billion by 2032, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.6%. The global report on the chatbot market provides an in-depth analysis of the most recent trends and market dynamics. 

(Source: Yahoo Finance)

Chatbots come in various forms, such as rule-based, AI-powered, hybrid, predictive AI, conversational AI, and voice bots.

Sales and marketing leaders, totaling 80%, have either integrated or have plans to integrate bots into the customer experience (CX). 

(Source: Master of Code)

Data from a recent Ipsos poll reveals that nearly 68% of surveyed U.S. consumers have engaged with customer service chatbots. However, of those participants, approximately 77% prefer human interaction for their customer service needs.

 (Source: Chain Store Age)

SaThe cost of building a chatbot varies depending on your choice between in-house development or a monthly subscription to a chatbot provider. If you opt for a chatbot provider, the specific plan and company you select also influence the cost. To provide a breakdown, here are the different options available and their associated chatbot costs:

Standard software pricing: Ranges from $0 to $500 per month.
Enterprise software pricing: Typically falls between $600 and $5,000 per month.
In-house chatbot development: Roughly averages around $10,000 per month.
Outsourced agency for chatbot development: Typically ranges from $1,000 to $5,000 per month.
Consumption-based fee: Varies between $0.006 and $1 per text or audio request.

(Source: Tidio)